Recovering From An Ankle InjuryRecovering From An Ankle Injury

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Recovering From An Ankle Injury

My name is Brandon Stewart and one of my weekend hobbies is playing football with a neighborhood team. A few months ago, I twisted my ankle while playing the game. My ankle was sore, but I hobbled around on it for several days before my wife insisted that I see a podiatrist. The doctor examined my foot and his diagnosis was a sprained ankle. I carefully followed the instructions of the podiatrist and it wasn't long before my ankle was as good as new. The podiatrist even told me that he was impressed with my recovery time. My wife suggested that I write this blog to help others who have an ankle injury. In this blog, I'm documenting everything that happened from the moment I twisted my ankle. I hope that by reading my story, it will help you to recover quickly from your ankle injury too.

5 Signs You Should See A Foot Specialist

Your feet are one of the most important parts of your body, so you should never take them for granted. It is important to know how to recognize problems so that they do not get worse over time. If you take good care of your feet, you can avoid surgeries down the road. Here are a few signs that you need to see a foot specialist right away.

Excessive Pain

It is one thing to experience soreness in your feet after you have been standing or walking all day. However, if the pain is sharp and ongoing, there may be a bigger issue at hand. It is possible that you have arthritis or another condition that is causing chronic pain in your feet. See a foot specialist promptly so that you do not continue to live with pain.


If you have been experiencing numbness in your feet for a while, you should definitely make an appointment with a foot specialist. Persistent numbness in your feet can indicate a medical condition, such as tendinitis or neuropathy. A foot specialist can assess the numbness and determine the appropriate treatment.


If you suffer from diabetes, you likely see your regular physician on a regular basis. You should make a point to see a foot specialist too. Diabetes can decrease sensation in your feet, which may make it tougher to notice injuries.

Trouble Walking

Walking is a part of everyday life. If you are unable to walk distances, your life may become more difficult. If you all of a sudden have difficulty walking, you should contact a foot specialist. This healthcare professional will determine why you are unable to walk very far and come up with an appropriate solution.


A corn is a hardened layer of skin on the feet and should not be taken lightly. Corns are more common among the elderly, obese people, and arthritis patients. If you ignore a corn on your feet for too long, it can lead to infection and other complications. To avoid unnecessary pain and other issues, have a foot specialist examine your corn as soon as possible.

If you are displaying any of these signs, you should not wait to see a foot specialist. They will examine your foot and come up with the proper course of treatment. The sooner you see a specialist, the sooner you will feel better. Look for one in your local area.